Richard Briggs

Richard is a longtime collector of Dr Who Merchandise and original props from the TV show. Living in Dale City, Virginia USA he discovered the good Doctor in the mid eighties on a PBS station in Baltimore Maryland. Richard is a retired US Navy Chief currently working for the Government as a computer systems designer.

His collection has some interesting items of Who History, including Sea Devil and Tereleptil masks made from the original special effects molds used for the show. Richard has the necklace from the "The Greatest Show in the Galaxy", a central prop of the serial that he is very pleased to own.

A big eBay crawler (richardwho), you can find Richard most nights scouring the on-line listings for new and usual Dr Who items. He also maintains this website where his collection is cataloged as well as several others sites.


Some of the props that Richard has found

You can see more of Richard's prop collection at

You can see Richard's Merchandise collection at

Richard can be contacted by Email Richard

Enjoy this small sample of Richard's Collection

Click for more photos of the spine
Creature Costume Spine Part

See more pictures of the Spine
Turlough's Crystal
Mawdryn Undead

See more pictures of the Crystal
Davros Finger
Revelation of the Daleks

See more pictures of the Finger 
Guard Helmet

See more pictures of the Helmet
Drone Mask
The Happiness Patrol

See more pictures of the Mask 
Radiation Armor

See more pictures of the Armor
Daily Mirror
Silver Nemesis

See more pictures of the paper
Master's Pencil Laser
The Mark of the Rani

See more pictures of the laser
VOC Mask
The Robots of Death

See more pictures of the mask
7th Doctor Spoons
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

See more pictures of the spoons
Haemovore Mask
The Curse of Fenric

See more pictures of the Mask 
K9 Manual

See more pictures of the manual
Set Decoration

See more pictures of the face
Sarn Jewelry
Planet of Fire

See more pictures of the Jewelry

Necklace from
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
(Click) to See More Pictures of the necklace

A corner of the collection room

Another corner of the collection room

Yet another corner of the collection room

And the final corner of the collection room

Models and figures

Wall of heads

Glass Cases

You can see more of Richard's prop collection at

You can see Richard's Merchandise collection at

Richard can be contacted by Email Richard
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Richard Briggs and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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